How to Remodel a Kitchen and Make it Functional

Sometimes bigger isn’t necessarily better. While it may sound appealing to have a grandiose kitchen, sometimes that kind of kitchen isn’t the best fit for your family and your needs. At AlliKristé, our kitchen designers enjoy exploring your vision and lifestyle to create a unique, yet functional kitchen that you can be proud of, and still have it make your life easier.

The following are a few things you should keep in mind if you’re wondering how to remodel your kitchen in Tampa, Sarasota, Naples, Bradenton, or elsewhere in Florida, while keeping it functional:

  • Simplify your space—storage, storage, storage. Having the right amount of storage to keep your kitchen countertops free of clutter is important if you want your kitchen to be clean and organized.
  • Leave room for a little workspace—since your kitchen is the heart of your home, your family will inevitably congregate there. This means creating an area where your children can do their homework, or you can pay your bills away from any cooking stations.
  • Keep it personal—you will be looking at and using your kitchen on a daily basis, so it’s important that it reflect your personality. Customize your kitchen to your needs and taste.
  • Decisions, decisions—while it can be tough to edit yourself when designing your new kitchen, it’s sometimes best to step back and look at the bigger picture. So, if you elect to install ornate countertops, it’s probably a good decision to keep your backsplash simple so it won’t compete with your counters.

The key to remodeling is focusing on building what you will need when you use your kitchen. Remember, a room can be beautiful and still functional. Visit our showrooms in St. Petersburg, Sarasota, Jacksonville, and Naples to see examples of our kitchen remodeling abilities. We also have satellite showrooms in Tampa, Sarasota, and Largo for your convenience.

Contact AlliKristé today to learn more about how to remodel your kitchen in Tampa, Clearwater, St. Petersburg, Sarasota, Naples, Jacksonville, Bradenton, or anywhere else in Florida. No matter your budget or the extent of your project, we look forward to hearing from you.