AlliKristé’s Cabinet Design Process
To successfully refresh your Sarasota home’s interior décor with custom cabinetry, you need a design that complements your aesthetic preferences and existing furnishings. Whether you’re revamping your kitchen, home office, bathroom, or entertainment room, ensuring that your home is outfitted with cabinets that align with your design expectations requires a lot of planning. That’s one of the many reasons AlliKristé approaches projects with a comprehensive design process.
Free Consultation
Every project begins with a free, in-home consultation. This appraisal is performed by a design specialist and cabinetry professional that have decades of combined experience in the field. During this consultation, we’ll extensively listen to your design expectations and help you create cabinetry that expresses your personality and character. We will also review your budget, timeline, and design expectations, and ensure we’ll be able to meet them.
Precise Measurements & Preliminary Design
After listening to your expectations, our designers will take careful measurements and create a preliminary cabinet design. This allows you the opportunity to make final adjustments prior to construction.
Once you’ve approved the design, AlliKristé will use precision software to create a finalized blueprint of your cabinets. Our installers and craftsmen will follow this plan carefully as they fabricate and install your cabinets.
To learn more about our custom cabinet design process or installation services for your Sarasota home, contact AlliKristé today!